トップOur ServicesCorporate CustomersCorporate Restructuring and M&A 階層構造▼ Corporate Restructuring and M&AOur Services(目次) I want to sell or buy my existing company Merger or demerger Our Services(目次)Our ServicesトップCorporate CustomersPersonnel and labor troublesHandling complaintsTax and financial processingBankruptcy and Civil RehabilitationMoney problemsReal Estate TroublesCorporate Restructuring and M&APermits and licencesIndividual CustomersReal Estate TroublesTraffic accidentDivorce and AlimonyParental rights and child supportInheritance problemTestament Office Hours 月 火 水 木 金 土 日 午前 ○○○○○×× 午後 ○○○○○×× Weekdays 9:00-18:00 Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays Year-end and New Year holidays: December 26 - January 6 Summer holidays: August 11 - 20 所在地 〒671-2224 兵庫県姫路市1-4-5-205 Aoyama-Nishi 079-260-7325 Access お役立ちリンク
Corporate Restructuring and M&AOur Services(目次) I want to sell or buy my existing company Merger or demerger